Wednesday, February 21, 2018 Registration for Business After Hours is encouraged, and can be done very easily by clicking on the Register Now links. Please check back often. More events will be listed as hosts, dates, and locations are determined for our event calendar.
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Wednesday February 21, 2018 Berthoud Community Center Free with Basic Membership, Individual Membership and Non-Profit Membership. Free for teachers of Berthoud Schools
Berthoud Area Chamber of CommerceBusiness After Hours - Teacher's Supplies Party
5:30-7:00 p.m.
45 Teachers have signed up for this event and we need more supplies. Please drop off your donations by end of the day today Monday, February 19 or by noon on Tuesday, February 20. Thank you for your support!
Thompson School District R2-J will host and sponsor the Business After Hours & Teacher's Supplies Party at the Berthoud Community Center.
Brick Oven Pizza is catering this event.
If you would like to donate supplies for the teachers or $100 for their drawing, please drop them off at the chamber office between now and February 20.
Here is the wish list from the teachers:
1” masking tape (case)
1-2 reams of white card stock
2” clear packing tape (case)
2G Flash Drives (12)
3 x 5 lined index cards
3-ring binders white 1-inch
90% or higher Rubbing Alcohol
Activated charcoal (like for aquariums)
Aluminum foil- heavy duty
Baby Wipes
balloons White or light color
Bamboo skewers
binders 1 1/2 inch, 1"
binders white 1" with clear front cover (wanting to use/re-use for student-led conferences this spring)
blank white paper
Camera cases (large enough for SLR Film cameras 5)
Cheese cloth
Classroom calculators
Clear plastic cups (18 oz, 9 oz squat)
Coffee filters
colored paper
Color Pencils
colored pencils Packs of Crayola (10+)
composition books
composition notebooks wide ruled
construction paper
copy paper white/colored
corn starch
Cotton balls
dry erase markers
dry erase markers - preferably black, blue or green
Dry/erase markers for mini white board
Duct tape (any color/pattern, grey is ok too)
ear buds or head phones
expo dry erase markers, chisal tip, black
facial tissues
Fat (poster) markers
folders - yellow two-pocket
folders and wide ruled spirals that are specific colors
folders Blue and blue wide ruled spiral notebooks for social studies and science.
folders Green and green wide ruled spiral notebooks for math.
folders Red and red wide ruled spiral notebooks for reading.
folders Yellow and yellow wide spiral notebooks for writing.
glue sticks
graph paper or graphing notebooks
Hand sanitizer
Headphones (not earbuds) Sennheizer (5+)
Highlighters (green, yellow, pink)
HP 902, 906 ink
index cards (all size)
Ink HP 57, 56, 58, 59
Ink HP 74, 75
Ink HP 920 B, M, Y, C
Ink HP 950, 951, 952
jumbo size paper clips
kleenex (never seem to have enough)
LED plant bulb (full spectrum ok, standard socket)
liquid glue (not glue sticks!)
Long, stick eraser refills (like a mechanical pencil but just eraser)
Magic Erasers
markers (fat, large poster)
Markers all kinds
Masking tape
Nitrile gloves ** Most needed (sm, med, lg) found in pharmacy dept at most stores including SAMs- NOT one size fits most please.
non-toxic finger paint
Odd color whiteboard makers (not red, blue, black, green)
Paper black clips/ paper clips
pencil sharpener for colored pencils
pencil sharpener really good one
pencil sharpeners small
pencil top erasers
pencils (non-mechanical)
Plastic spoons
Plastic storage containers/totes with lids (shoebox size, larger)
Plastic wrap
pocket folders
Popsicle Sticks
post it sticky notes, various sizes
Printer Ink Cartridges
Radish seeds
reams of paper (we use so much)
Red pens
rolls of tape - regular, masking, blue, large /wide tape
Rubber cement
rulers - plastic or wooden
Rulers (12” wood)
Rulers (Metal, 12)
Salt (not iodized)
Scissors (not child safety, longer better)
Scotch thermal laminating pouches - 1 regular size box of 50
sentence strips various colors
Sets of colored Sharpies (thin and thick)
Skinny dry erase markers.
Small hand dremel tools (Harbor Freight – 5)
small kid size dry erase erasers
snacks for my class
spiral notebooks
stickie notes (smaller size not the regular square size.)
Storage cart - 10 drawers/ 5 different colors
Straight pins with large, colored balls
straws - clear drinking
Super glue
tape dispensers
tape of all kinds
thin expo markers
Ticonderoga pencils (the BEST for sharpening)
timers (the kind that count down for tracking student reading fluency in words per minute)
Vegetable oil
white copy paper 8 1/2 x 11
White Vinegar (gal jugs, use 4-6gal/year)
Wipes (like Clorox)** Most needed
X-acto knife handles (small) (12)
Ziplock Baggies (1qt, 1 gal, 2 gal)
Business After Hours events take place monthly, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., in a chamber member's place of business. This event is a great opportunity to make new contacts and establish long-lasting business relationships. So, don't forget your business cards!
Date and Time
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM MST
5:30 pm-7:00 pmLocation
248 Welch Ave.
Berthoud, CO 80513Fees/Admission
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